
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A New City To Explore

This week we are in Fresno. My husband is working a short job here and James, Sweet Lou, and I decided to tag along. We have ourselves a mighty sweet set up at a fancy hotel and we have been doing some grand exploring. I don't mind any new city so long as I'm not there for TOO long. Fresno is no Los Angeles but it's quite large and we're finding a lot to do.

When we arrived our first stop was to do shopping at the fanciest mall they had which included gems like Anthropologie and J Crew. Shopping in a new city is always first on my agenda. Second on the agenda is always- find a playground. My phones maps has searched for playgrounds all over California and it never fails me.

This particular playground was a hit. We brought our lunch (and Starbucks) and had a blast. There were slides and swings and dinosaurs which is always a bonus for a little boy.

I guess the only downside of the day was when my feet started itching. Of course I thought it was all in my head because most the time everything is. When it didn't go away I looked down only to find ants were attacking me. I have some gorgeous ant bites to prove it.

Playground ants- 1
Candice- 0

Outfit details-

Shirt- Target, current.

Harlem pants- Zara

Sandals- Salt Water Sandals


  1. Oh my gosh ants attacked your feet?! Crazy!

    1. It was so gross!! Luckily the itching and redness went away in an hour.

  2. What size Saltwaters does James wear? I want to order Logan a pair and am thinking I'll go with 7's!?

    1. Yes Sophie go with seven! James is wearing a six in the above pics.. He has had them for a year and they still fit but we just bought him another pair in a size 7. If you go to you can sign up for free and get free next day delivery.
