Thursday, September 19, 2013

I Guess You Could Call This An Outfit Post

This is a fashion blog, right? So I guess this could be called an outfit post.. Of sorts.

This is what I like to call a cas outfit. Sometimes you just gotta keep it casual. And casual for James means shorts, a cute tee, and some moccs. I like to put a spin on even the most casual of outfits. 

^^ So my grandpa insisted on putting this super old hammock up in my parents backyard. This thing is ancient. But I guess it really was a brilliant idea because James LOVES it. This kid wants to "swing swing" all day long. 

^^ Oh, and then there's this... Ya, my poor dog Sweet Lou puts up with a lot. He's qualified for sainthood as far as I'm concerned. 

See, this still qualifies as an outfit post right?? It does... Ok, hands up in the air, hooray!!

Outfit Details- 
Tee- Zara

Shorts- Target

Moccs- Freshly Picked

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